昨天去書店剛好看到有介紹Join的書翻了一下,發現 left join 正符合我的需求,試了三個Table的 left Join一次把我要的都列表出來,省了另外兩個額外查詢,看文獻也說使用join比較有效率。
select g.*, cbas.custid, cbas.cmpabv, cntc.cntcid, cntc.phone from dbo.gdsinfomt g
left join dbo.custbas cbas on (g.Agent = cbas.custid)
left join dbo.custcntc cntc on ((g.Agent = cntc.custid) and (cntc.cntcid = substring(g.declno,1,2)))
where g.senddate >= ‘20100128’
and g.senddate <= ‘20100128’
and g.Gdsno like ‘D%’
select g.* from dbo.gdsinfomt g
where g.senddate >= ‘20100128’
and g.senddate <= ‘20100128’
and g.Gdsno like ‘D%’
然後在 select g.* from dbo.gdsinfomt g 資料回圈內再一筆一筆依 g.Agent = cbas.custid 為條件查詢要的資料
select * from dbo.custbas cbas
where cbas.custid = g.Agent(上個查詢查到的資料)
第三個TABLE在 select g.* from dbo.gdsinfomt g 資料回圈內再一筆一筆依 g.Agent = cntc.custid and cntc.cntcid = substring(g.declno,1,2) 這兩個條件查詢
select * from dbo.custcntc cntc
where g.Agent = cntc.custid
and cntc.cntcid = substring(g.declno,1,2)