#esxcfg-vswitch -l
This will allow you to list all the virtual switch you have on the ESX server
#esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 vswitch1
this command is to enable the mtu value of 9000 for every nics that connected to the same virtual switch which provide the storage access to ISCSI
#vmkping -s 9000 192.x.x.x
test the jumbo frame setting
要調整這個選項,交換機也要支援,然後網卡進階設定也要設成MTU 9000才行。
若不支援還硬調成MTU 9000,在我的網域裡是有發生某些分享資料夾會進不去卡在那邊,調回MTU 1500後就正常。